Archive Mode. Call Northwestern Michigan College Juried Student Exhibition At The Dennos Museum Center ended on 4/18/24, 11:59 PM. Call settings are read only. See Current Open Calls
The exhibit is open to students who enrolled in ART or VCA classes at NMC in the 2023-24 academic year as well as Local Area High School Juniors and Seniors. Work may be from a class or personal work but must have been completed in the 2023-24 academic year. Each student may submit up to two works to the jury. Of these, a only one (if any) will be accepted.
All works must be original compositions. An original composition is not a copy of another artist’s work. This includes works based on photographs, unless the student (artist) took the photo themselves. Artwork done “in style of” may be original work if style is used with original subject matter and not copied. Artwork using appropriation should not use more than 10% of another artist work, and should be transformative.
High School Students entering a Group Project must use one of their two entries for the group project. Due to the possibility that teachers and other contributors to the project may be trained and experienced beyond the scope of the normal High School Art Student, Group Projects will not be eligible for prizes.
Jury Process:
There will be two separate juries for the NMC and High School works. NMC pieces will be judged by 2 non-NMC affiliated jurors. High school pieces will be judged by the NMC Fine Art and Visual Communications Faculty. Digital images submitted of the works will be judged on Friday, April 19, 2024 and students will be notified of their accepted/rejected status by the following Monday.
Accepted works must be delivered, ready to hang (mats, wire, etc.), to either the NMC Fine Arts Building by Monday, May 6, 2024 at 4:00pm, or the Dennos Museum Center on Tuesday, May 7, 2024 between 11am and 4pm. All pieces must be labeled with tags you can print from the Artcall site.
Requirements for Exhibiting:
Works accepted via the Jury process and delivered to NMC will be subject to final approval by the Dennos Museum Center and NMC faculty. All accepted entries must represent the artwork shown in the digital images submitted in the Art Call process and are subject to the availability of exhibition space, appropriateness of presentation.
All 2D works must be ready to hang with a nail or hook mechanism. Whenever possible this means the work needs to be framed. Plastic clip frames are not acceptable. Limited framing assistance is available from NMC. If you require framing assistance, you must contact the NMC Art Department and deliver your piece by Friday, April 26, 2024. All 3D works must be free standing or include an appropriate stand. If NMC faculty, or museum staff have concerns about the safety of the work, it will be considered for removal from the show. Anything less than these guidelines will be considered for removal from the show.
By submitting to this Exhibition, I hereby acknowledge that NMC and/or the Dennos Museum Center are not financially responsible for any damage to, or loss of, personal property loaned by me for exhibition purposes. I hereby waive any claim against NMC/Dennos Museum Center or its officers or staff as a consequence of such possible damage or loss.
Accepted works may be picked up from the Fine Arts Building starting after 12 noon Tuesday, June 4, 2024. ID must be presented to pick up artwork.
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